- Awara
- January 22, 2025
- 22
Moscow Trilateral Agreement for 2025-2027 Has Been Signed
A partnership agreement is concluded every few years for a certain period between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers’ associations (for example, there were agreements for 2022-2024 and 2019-2021).
On December 31, 2024, an invitation to join the Moscow Trilateral Agreement for 2025-2027 (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) was published on the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. The purpose of the Agreement is to increase the welfare of the population, and social protection of employees, by increasing the efficiency of the Moscow city economy and stimulating domestic demand and improving the business climate. The Agreement applies to both trade union organizations and employers’ associations, as well as to employers in Moscow, which carry out their activities on the territory of the city.
The Agreement obliges Moscow employers to take a number of actions in the field of economic development, labor market regulation, remuneration, and labor protection, in particular:
- inform the parties to the social partnership 3 months before a mass layoff of employees;
- provide employees who are dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or staff reduction with the opportunity to receive additional vocational education and training;
- when reducing the number or staff of employees, for six months avoid simultaneous dismissal of spouses, parents, adoptive parents, or guardians raising minor children and/or caring for disabled family members;
- finance measures to improve working conditions and safety. At least an amount equal to the Moscow minimum wage (32,916 rubles) should be allocated for each employee, etc.
If an employer does not comply with the terms of the Agreement, an employee can go to court and demand its implementation.
The Agreement by default applies to all organizations in the city of Moscow. In the event of disagreement with its provisions, it is necessary to submit a written reasoned statement of disagreement to the Moscow Trilateral Commission by January 30 (such disagreement is possible for companies that do not participate in the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions or the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs). Disagreement can be motivated, for example, by the lack of funding to ensure the fulfillment of the guarantees provided for in the Agreement, or by insufficient organizational and/or managerial resources to fulfill the obligations established by the Agreement. In the case of such an application, the Agreement will be valid with the exception of specific obligations for which a reasoned statement of disagreement has been submitted.
Thus, Moscow companies need to promptly and in detail review the obligations of employers imposed by the Agreement in terms of their performance capabilities, and, if necessary, prepare and send a reasoned waiver request by the end of January 2025.
Our company’s lawyers are ready to provide you with the necessary support on all issues arising in connection with the application of the Moscow Trilateral Agreement.
Our contacts
+7 495 225-30-38 Moscow
+7 812 244-75-49 Saint Petersburg
+7 495 225-30-38 Tver