- Awara
- October 12, 2018
- 321
Awara Now Offers Service Contracts and Payments in Yuan. Opens China Desk.
There is a marked growth in Chinese-Russian trade and investments. We at Awara Accounting have been experiencing this remarkable growth at first hand. Therefore, in order to serve the Chinese clients even better Awara is opening a specialized China desk with Chinese speaking staff.
For ease of doing business, Awara will also become the first Russian accounting and law firm to offer the possibility to fix the contract prices and accept settlement in Chinese yuan. Awara also offers Russian rubles, Euro and USD as contract and settlement currencies.
Awara and its partners offer full services in Russia in accounting (bookkeeping), financial reporting, audit, tax consulting and tax compliance, legal consulting (law services), human resources (HR), recruitment and payroll.
Contact details: chinadesk@awaragroup.com
中俄贸易和投资显着增长。 我们在阿瓦那会计第一手经历这种卓越的增长。 因此,为了中国客户提供更好的服务,阿瓦那正在开设配有中文员工的专业中文服务台。